Shanghai Science & Technology Park of ECUST Co., Ltd.(ECUST Park) 
Huajing Base, ECUST Park R&D Center 
Add: No.10, Lane1305, Huajing Road., Shanghai, P.R.China, 200231 
Tel: 86-21-64969618 
Fax: 86-21-64960431

The R&D Center and the Hi-tech Incubator of ECUST Park is located around ECUST downtown campus. It is 20 km away from Hongqiao International Airport. In addition, the Industrial Park of ECUST Park, located in Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park, is only 3 km away from ECUST surburb campus.

Therefore, the park not only has the university area advantage also the advantage of SCIP, the national keysupport industrial park as well.

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